- 설명 : Icebergs in the High Arctic.The image was sent to a glaciologist , Thomas Allen Neumann. It is what he wrote about the coloration of the iceberg:It's too red to be oxidation (like blood falls in Taylor Valley).The debris loading isn't particularly extensive (the apparent slip plane is interesting, or perhaps a former water channel), but the color is usual. Red algae would be a good guess.Two colleagues have also seen your photo and suggested the majority of the debris was from, ah, biological activity. Specifically, they suggested the reddish appearance may be due to walrus excrement - another example is here ([1]). That would explain the color, but perhaps not the discoloration along the band through the ice berg.The part of his email to me was added with his permission.Français : Un Iceberg dans l'Arctique. Commentaire de Thomas Allen Neumann (glaciologue) sur la couleur de l'iceberg (résumé). La couleur de cet iceberg peut être due à des algues rouges, ou bien à des déjections de morses. Elle est trop intense pour être due à des oxydes.- 날짜 : 2005년 9월 7일, 23:08- 출처 : 자작.- 작가 : Brocken Inaglory
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